The Fresh Chef Story

The Fresh Chef Story


We started Fresh Chef from our local restaurant.

It really began when first lockdown started! in Feb 2020.

LOCK-DOWN??!!! I couldn't believe it??? 😡

We'd just had heaps of beautiful fresh ingredients arrive which could all go to waste if we had to close the restaurant?!

I got emotional because I'd spent years developing a supply chain better than any bloody supermarket.  I'm talking REAL paddock to plate!

Standards that our locals, my friends in the community loved. And would now miss-out with lockdown.

We acted on instinct...

We quickly turned our fresh ingredients into restaurant quality meals. Only this time, we sealed & snap froze them and sold them locally.   

Had I done the dirty on my culinary training by freezing meals?  I honestly thought so....

Then we tested them, and they were good... surprisingly good..

Then I researched... I became a mad scientist and the more I learn't the more I realised my friends in the community could still enjoy the benefits of nutrients and flavour.  If it was done right. 

We had to do it right!!!! 

We learnt we could savour the goodness of fresh food (using freezing) and restaurant quality flavour we'd developed over decades of kitchen grind.

We soon knew we could help New Zealand eat better! 

At that moment we changed... We were Chef's that became hooked on the food science of frozen meals.  And we wanted to share our knowledge and our meals with everyone.

We called our learnings, our new passion: "Frozen is the New Fresh" which you can read and learn more about here if you want.


In the meantime, stay healthy, eat well, and we'll talk soon, I'm sure 😎





PS.  I just remembered, my business partner Kerry did a Spotify Podcast telling a story about donating some perishable food to the local hospital (like our salad greens).  Its quite an animated story (Picture trying to get into a hospital at the start of lockdown!) - which I'll get him to share with everyone at some stage.