Sustainability & Packaging

All of our packaging is either recyclable, re-usable or can be re-purposed.  The Polybins usually can't be put into your normal yellow bin, but our friends at Expol can recycle them!  See locations and details below.


Meal Trays


Our CPET Meals trays should be cleaned and recycled

They are BPA Free.

Vac Pack Bags

Vac Pack bags should be cleaned and recycled

Ice Packs


Options for Ice packs:

  1. Store or share for re-use.
  2.  Put in Rubbish bin (we're not proud to say that, and are looking for more sustainable packing solutions) 
  3.  Let the ice packs defrost, cut open the ice packs water absorbing material leaving it somewhere to dry. Recycle the plastic material with your soft-plastics and put the small amount of water absorbing material (it squashes down to a small amount) in the household rubbish.

We love this video about soft plastics! (Courtesy of a great kiwi soft plastics initiative we want to go nationwide!)


Polybins can be recycled at Expol or EPS sites listed below.

Polystyrene Recycling

Fresh Chef polystyrene bins are made by our partner Hope Moulded are are 100% Recyclable. They get made into things like plastic re-usable wine glasses, insulation for homes and much, much more!

Unfortunately they usually aren't allowed in your recycling at home!

Some customers cut them down to reduce their space and put them in their rubbish at home. But we do recommend recycling where possible!

HMP is part of a network of Airpop Polystyrene manufacturers and recyclers (EPS) across New Zealand and the world that have joined forces to rescue AirPop/Polystyrene from landfill.

Customers can contact members of this recycling network to arrange to either drop these off or have them picked up depending on the service available in their area.


You can drop them at selected Mitre 10's who have an Expol Recylcling cube.

North Island: Expol Polybin Recycling Cubes

  • Albany - 260 Oteha Valley Road, Albany, Auckland
  • Botany - 9 Bishop Dunn Place, Flat Bush, Auckland
  • Henderson - 186 Lincoln Road, Henderson, Auckland
  • Manukau - 61 Lambie Drive, Manukau, Auckland
  • Mt Wellington - 72 Lunn Avenue, Mount Wellington, Auckland
  • New Lynn - 5 Astley Avenue, New Lynn, Auckland
  • Onehunga - 1 Princes Street, Onehunga, Auckland
  • Takanini - 230 Great South Road, Takanini, Auckland
  • Tauranga - 1066 Cameron Road, Gate Pa, Tauranga
  • Ruakura (Hamilton) - 41 Ruakura Road, Hamilton East
  • Te Rapa (Hamilton) - Maahanga Drive, Hamilton

South Island: Expol Polybin Recycling Cubes



EPS / Airpop Recycling Sites

Other North Island Polybin Recycling Sites


Waste Management

Phone: 09 636 7599

Maurice Road, Penrose, Auckland

Drop off and collection services available. Drop off by appointment only.

This is a paid service – please call Waste Management for current pricing.

Abilities Group 
Phone: 027 229 2250

91 Hillside Rd, Glenfield, Auckland 0627


Drop off is $25/m3 + gst, price varies for pickup.


Barnes Plastics

Phone: 64 9 579 9725

368 Church Street, Penrose, Auckland 1061

Our factory recycles all waste generated in our manufacturing process.

We offer free recycling to all our customers. Please arrange a time for drop off.

Free ‘drop off’ to our factory of ‘clean’ polystyrene that is bagged. (this service is for private individuals).

Croxley Recycling

Phone: 0800 180160

9 Astley Ave, New Lynn, Auckland 0600

Drop off charge 40c - 85c a kilo - if it is clean and delivered. Pick up also available. Email for pricing

EPS Foam

Phone: 09 299 6901

80b Hunua Road. Papakura, Auckland 

Our factories recycle all waste generated in our manufacturing process. 

We offer free recycling to all our customers. Please arrange a time for drop off.

Free ‘drop off’ to our factory of ‘clean’ polystyrene that is bagged. (this service is for private individuals) Commercial Service - ‘bulk bags’ (which we supply) at a cost of $25.00 each


Phone: 09 634 3449 or 0800 86 33 73

105 Captain Springs Rd, Onehunga, Auckland 

  • Drop off available, price varies. Please call to arrange a time with EXPOL.

  • Collection available, price varies. Please call EXPOL to arrange collection.

  • Clean uncontaminated polystyrene only.

  • EXPOL reserve the right to refuse drop off and collection for large volumes, or where volumes exceed processing capacity.


Phone: 09 279 9611

34 Grayson Ave, Papatoetoe, Auckland

Styrobeck Ltd

Phone 09 278 7175

139 Roscommon Road, Manukau City

Waitakere Refuse and Recycling Centre

Phone: 09 301 0101
50 The Concourse, Henderson, Auckland 0610

Drop off has minimum charge $90, no pickup


Whangaparāoa Community Recycling Centre

Phone: 0800 426 5169

637 Whangaparaoa Road, Stanmore Bay


Price varies for Drop off, no pickup

JJ International Ltd

Phone: 09 427 8964 or 027 2747065

296 Duck Creek Road, Stillwater, Silverdale


Price varies for Drop off, Large quantities only.


Waste Management

Phone: (07) 349 0222
6 Hamiora Pl, Ngapuna, Rotorua 3010
This is a paid service – please call Waste Management for current pricing.



Phone: 027 588 0015

7 Maru Street, Mount Maunganui

  • Drop off available, price varies. Please call to arrange a time with EXPOL.

  • Collection available, price varies. Please call EXPOL to arrange collection.

  • Clean uncontaminated polystyrene only.

  • EXPOL reserve the right to refuse drop off and collection for large volumes, or where volumes exceed processing capacity.

EPS Foam

Phone: 07 577 0994 

110 Birch Avenue, Judea, Tauranga

Waste Management

Phone: (07) 577 9440


EPS Foam

Phone: 021 954 196

13 Kioreroa Road, Whangarei 

Our factories recycle all waste generated in our manufacturing process.

We offer free recycling to all our customers. Please arrange a time for drop off.

Free ‘drop off’ to our factory of ‘clean’ polystyrene that is bagged. (this service is for private individuals) Commercial Service - ‘bulk bags’ (which we supply) at a cost of $25.00 each


Waste Management 
Phone: (07) 308 9190
44 Te Tahi St, Whakatane 3120

Appointment only. Call for current pricing



Our Wellington Polybin recycling options have closed. 

We will update this page if this changes. 


Other South Island Polybin Recycling Sites


Nelson / Tasman

Hope Moulded Packaging

Phone: 03 544 5090


41 Aniseed Valley Road, Richmond, Nelson

* Please note our site is currently closed to the public for free recycling due to Covid 19 restrictions.


For commercial customers our site requires the following;

  • Scan in upon arrival

  • Masks must be worn at all times

  • Contactless systems are in place for drop-off and collection.


Our factories recycle all waste generated in our manufacturing process. 
We offer free recycling to all our customers. Please arrange a time for drop off.
Free ‘drop off’ to our factory of ‘clean’ polystyrene that is bagged. (this service is for private individuals)
Commercial Service - ‘bulk bags’ (which we supply), please contact us for further information and pricing.

Mitre 10 Mega Nelson

Phone: 03-547 0747

99 Quarantine Road Nelson 7011


Expol Blenhiem

Phone: 03 578 4874

Fax: 03 578 2553


12 Woodmoor Rd, Blenheim

  • Drop off available, price varies. Please call to arrange a time with EXPOL.

  • Collection available, price varies. Please call EXPOL to arrange collection.

  • Clean uncontaminated polystyrene only.

  • EXPOL reserve the right to refuse drop off and collection for large volumes, or where volumes exceed processing capacity.

Christchurch / Canterbury 

Bondor Christchurch

Phone: 03 342 8890

51 Buchanans Road, Sockburn 8443


Our factory recycles all waste generated in our manufacturing process.

Expol Christchurch

Phone: 03 382 2117

3/70 Shortland St, Aranui, Christchurch


10 March Place, Belfast
Phone: 03 323 6540
Fax: 03 323 8291

91 Izone Drive, Rolleston
Phone: 03 347 8249
Fax: 03 347 8225 


  • Drop off available, price varies. Please call to arrange a time with EXPOL.

  • Collection available, price varies. Please call EXPOL to arrange collection.

  • Clean uncontaminated polystyrene only.

  • EXPOL reserve the right to refuse drop off and collection for large volumes, or where volumes exceed processing capacity.

EPS Foam Christchurch

Phone: 03 3822117

3/70 Shortland St, Aranui Christchurch


Our factories recycle all waste generated in our manufacturing process.

We offer free recycling to all our customers. Please arrange a time for drop off.

Free ‘drop off’ to our factory of ‘clean’ polystyrene that is bagged. (this service is for private individuals) Commercial Service - ‘bulk bags’ (which we supply) at a cost of $25.00 each

Hugh McEwan Phone: 03 341 9147 or 0800 10 10 10

Waste Management

301 Marshs Rd, Hornby South, Christchurch 7676
Email via website

No drop-offs unless direct to recycling plant. Contact via website to get pricing for pickups, cleaned.

Mitre 10 Mega Ferrymead

Phone: 03-366 6306

1005 Ferry Rd. Christchurch 8023

Mitre 10 Mega Hornby

Phone: 03-349 8497

370 Main South Road, Hornby

Mitre 10 Mega Papanui

Phone: 03-359 5443

54 Harewood Road Christchurch 8052

Mitre 10 Mega Rangiora

Phone: 03-313 8999

1 Southbrook Road Rangiora 7400


Waste Management

Phone: 0800 10 10 10
13 Industrial Place, Oamaru


Email via website. No drop-offs unless direct to recycling plant.
Contact via website to get pricing for pickups, cleaned.

Mitre 10 Mega Dunedin

Phone: 03-489 0000

119 Gordon Road Mosgiel 9024


Mitre 10 Mega 

Phone: 03-443 6342

100 Sir Tim Wallis Drive, Wanaka 9305Phone: 04-802 4688



Wanaka Wastebusters

Phone: 03 443 8606

Corner Riverbank and Ballantyne Road, Wanaka


Drop off : $7.50, Pickup $15 per wool bag/can be mixed and will be sorted. White polystyrene but trying to avoid cheap low density as it melts in the compressor machine.



Phone: 03 448 9948
Boundary Rd, Alexandra

Drop off : $7.50, Pickup $15 per wool bag/can be mixed and will be sorted. White polystyrene but trying to avoid cheap low density as it melts in the compressor machine.



Expol Cromwell

Phone: 03 445 8414

31 McNulty Road, Cromwell

  • Drop off available, price varies. Please call to arrange a time with EXPOL.

  • Collection available, price varies. Please call EXPOL to arrange collection.

  • Clean uncontaminated polystyrene only.

  • EXPOL reserve the right to refuse drop off and collection for large volumes, or where volumes exceed processing capacity.

Mitre 10 Cromwell

Phone: 03 445 9955
20 Elspeth Street Cromwell 9383



Mitre 10 Mega 

Phone: 04-802 4688

46 Brookes Road, Frankton Queenstown 9302




Waste Management

Phone: 0800 10 10 1013

Industrial Place, Oamaru

Email via website            


No drop-offs unless direct to recycling plant. Contact via website to get pricing for pickups, cleaned.

Invercargill / Southland

Southland Disability Enterprises via yellow wheelie bins

Phone: 03 214 6188
28 Ettrick St, West Invercargill, Invercargill 9812

Email via website.            


No drop off fee but will be a fee for accepting the waste. Pickup: $20 standard pickup but depends on size